May 27, 2019 is Memorial Day, a day set aside for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces. Narberth's Memorial Day Parade sponsored by American Legion Post 356 and the Narberth War Memorial Committee is scheduled for Monday, May 27th starting at 9:30 AM at the intersection of Windsor and Conway. The main viewing area is Downtown Narberth but travels through some neighborhood streets. There is a memorial service immediately following the parade at the Narberth War Memorial (N. Wynnrwood and Windsor). Parade Route: The parade starts at Windsor and Conway; Conway to Price; right on Price, to Narberth; right on Narberth, to Woodbine; left on Woodbine, to Iona; right on Iona, to Haverford; right on Haverford to Essex; right on Essex to Windsor; left on Windsor to the Memorial site, at Wynnewood. Volunteers Needed!
The Memorial Day Parade needs at least 3 to 6 volunteers to be Parade Marshals. No experience is needed - just a couple hours of your time. These volunteers help with the line-up and then walk along with the parade to keep the parade moving in an orderly fashion. They would meet John Nardi at the Legion Hall at 8:30 am, where he will assign them their duties. Anyone adult interested should contact John Nardi either by email at [email protected] or by phone 610-664-5504. ![]() From Utility Line Services: "I wanted to take this opportunity to update everyone on our progress in Narberth. To date we completed all the main installation, side streets tied in, and gas on for all of our 2018 Narberth work. The service crews are working heavily on the Essex Ave project and have completed half of the services here. The service crews will be progressing to the following streets over the next two weeks.
Since the last email we have completed the services on and retired the low pressure mains on the following streets.
The crew performing the retirements will continue following the service crews over the next two weeks on the same streets in preparation to retire the main as soon as the last service in each section is transferred." This excel spreadsheet has more information about the project timing going forward: ![]()
![]() From Utility Line Services: Another biweekly update on our progress in Narberth. Since the last update the crew laying main on Narberth Ave have nearly completed their installation from Haverford Ave to Woodbine with a tentative date set for this Wednesday for the tie in and gas on. From There they will continue laying on Narberth Ave from Woodbine Ave to Montgomery Ave with lateral pieces extending out to the tie in points on Wayne Ave and Price Ave East of Narberth. The conversion of the gas main on Barrie Rd off of Essex Ave went without a hitch completing our work on Barrie. The crew that did the conversion has since moved over to the culvert work at Woodside and Wynnewood once they have the pipe through the culvert they will continue installing the main up Wynnewood Rd to the train bridge. Once all the main is installed through the culvert and up to the train bridge we will put the main on gas. Once on gas there will be a single tie in by the dead end of Elmwood on the opposite side of the creek to tie in the leg we laid in 2016. The crew laying main on Grayling Ave have completed the installation and the main is now active. They have since moved on to another township. We will be moving a crew in Monday next week to begin retiring some of the old mains where the service crews have transferred all of the services to the new main. The streets we intend to retire are listed below.
Once the mains are retired on these streets this crew will move up to Price Ave to install the main between Narberth Ave and Grayling Ave. This main will not be on gas until the main on Narberth Ave between Woodbine and Montgomery Ave is tied in. The service crews may begin to reenter Narberth mid to late next week as they wrap up the first stretch of services on Montgomery Ave in Lower Merion. They will move to Grayling Ave between Woodbine and Price first then move to the Essex Ave project working services on the streets listed below.
The crew laying main on the Essex Ave job have completed their installation and gas on procedure and have moved to Forrest Ave between Haverford Ave and Woodbine Ave. They will be here for the next few weeks.
The crew Laying main on Woodbine Ave from Montgomery Ave to Essex Ave have installed and have gas on from Hampden Ave to Montgomery and all the services have complete for this stretch. The main on Woodbine between Essex and Hampden should be complete by the end of next week with a tentative gas on date for Friday 6/22. From here this crew will move to Grayling Ave from Woodbine to Price Ave. The crews laying on Iona Ave from Lantwyn Lane to South of Montgomery have completed their installation and gas on procedure. This crew is now laying on Meetinghouse Lane between Iona Ave and Montgomery Ave as well as Williams Ave between Meetinghouse and Woodbine. Upon the completion and gas on they will move to Wayne Ave between Essex to Narberth Ave. I may move a crew to begin laying the main on Narberth Ave late in the second week applying to this email depending on whether or not I have service crews working on Essex Ave. Barrie Rd off of Essex Ave will have a PECO crew with ULS support cameraing the existing main on or around 6/27 in preparation for the conversion now on the schedule for 7/6. The service crews are currently working Iona Ave and should have the services complete by the middle of next week. We will be moving the service crews to two jobs in Lower Merion after completing the services on Iona Ave from Lantwyn Lane to South of Montgomery Ave, Meetinghouse Lane , and Williams Ave. This may give us the potential to move on the main installation on Narberth Ave two weeks from now. Click Here for the 2018 Schedule Memorial Day Parade - May 28, 2018 is Memorial Day, a day set aside for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces. Narberth's Memorial Day Parade sponsored by American Legion Post 356 and the Narberth War Memorial Committee is scheduled for Monday, May 28th starting at 9:30 AM at the intersection of Windsor and Conway. The main viewing area is Downtown Narberth but travels through some neighborhood streets. More info here. Trash/Recycling Collection this week - Due to the Memorial Day holiday on Monday, trash will be moved to Tuesday, May 29. Recycling collection is moved to Friday, June 1. NarBark Dog Parade/Narberth First Friday - June 1, 2018 6pm-8pm; Narberth has its silliest annual event on First Friday in June each year. Dog lovers from miles around dress up the family pooch in costume and parade them through the streets for fun and prizes. Local celebrity judges award prizes to owners in a variety of costume categories, from funniest to fanciest. No need to pre-register this year, and registration is free. Just arrive and sign in between 6 and 6:30pm, at the corner of Forrest Ave and Haverford Ave. The parade will start after 6:30. Stick around afterwards to enjoy First Friday. Have a bite or a cocktail with your friends and neighbors, and do a little shopping at stores staying open late. More info here. Spring Clean-Up Week - The week of June 4, 2018, has been designated as Spring Clean Up Week in the Borough of Narberth. During this week, the Borough’s Public Works crew, along with a contracted trash hauler, will collect items that are not normally removed during weekly trash service. These materials are to be placed curbside and will be collected on the day of the week as listed below. Some items cannot be collected, and some have specific rules. Schedule and more info here. Wynnewood Road Construction - On June 4, a section of East Wynnewood Ave, at Woodside Ave, will be be closed for an estimated six months to replace the under-the-road bridge and creek tunnel. During the construction, Wynnewood Ave traffic will be detoured around that section, and Woodside will dead-end at the intersection. Locals will likely get around it using Remington Road, and Bowman, etc., but the official mapped route will detour passers-through the long way around St. Charles Seminary. More info here. Narberth Community Survey - Narberth Borough is in the process of drafting its first comprehensive plan and we need your input! The plan will outline the community’s goals and priorities and provide steps for implementation that will serve as a framework for the management of Narberth’s future development over the next twenty years. Your input as residents, stakeholders and business owners is critical in shaping the vision of how Narberth will look and function in the future. By sharing what you love about Narberth, and what you want to improve, you will help create a plan that reflects what is important to the community. Click this link for more info or to take the survey.
Narberth Borough is in the process of drafting its first COMPREHENSIVE PLAN and we need your input! The plan will outline the community’s goals and vision for the future, and provide steps for implementation that will serve as a framework for the management of future development and policies.
Your input as residents, stakeholders, and business owners is critical in shaping the vision of how Narberth will look and function in the future. By sharing what you love about Narberth, and what you want to improve, you will help create a plan that reflects what is important to the community. 7:00-9:30 PM - November 30, at Narberth Borough Hall
Residents, business and property owners are invited to attend an evening workshop about the future of downtown Narberth. This public workshop, facilitated by a downtown revitalization consultant will provide feedback about the current issues and future plans for Narberth’s historic commercial downtown district. Agenda: 1. Overview of the Main Street Approach™ for downtown revitalization 2. Small group discussion 3. SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) 4. Identification of key downtown issues 5. Identification of potential projects 6. Next steps for a project work plan RSVP encouraged but not required: Leslie Marshall 610-664-2840 ext. 102 [email protected] This event is hosted by Narberth Borough and Borough Council, and co-sponsored by the Narberth Civic Association and the Narberth Business Association. ![]() We had a couple of tricky days navigating the roads this week, so the Borough asked me to give everyone a head's up for tomorrow. Whenever I have updates like this, I'll post them to this web page and to the Narberth Facebook Group. Check either of those in the future. Haverford Avenue - will be closed 7am - 9am, from Conway to N. Wynnewood. Narberth Avenue - "The Hill" and the Bridge will be closed to vehicles from 9am - Noon. Grayling Avenue - Partially or fully closed Noon - 4pm. WHAT TO EXPECT AT PROGRAM EVENTS
AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS ONLY This program is a community service to the residents of Montgomery County and the four Southeastern Pennsylvania County Region (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Philadelphia counties) only and is not open to businesses, institutions, or industry. MORE DETAILS AT:
Narberth and LM residents can participate in this "anything with a plug" electronics recycling event on September 23.
Note that there is a charge for recycling items that have recycling/disposal costs, like TVs and air conditioners. |
AuthorNews compiled by Ed Ridgway, NBA president, marketing consultant, and a COMPASS real estate agent with the Cindy Ridgway team. Archives
May 2022