Starting this week, Narberth Borough's Weekly Newsletter will be emailed on FRIDAYS! Stay in the Know! Tell your neighbors and friends, and encourage others to sign up for the newsletter to keep informed about Narberth News and Upcoming Events!
*Please note that trash collection will be on Tuesday and recycling collection will be on Friday this week, due to the Labor Day Holiday. *REMINDER: For up-to-date information on trash collection and meetings, please see the calendar on Narberth's website Please update your calendars. The Recycling Event has been rescheduled for September 24th! A special THANKS to Narberth's Public Works Department for working hard to keep Narberth Park clean throughout the summer! Narberth's Borough Council is appointing three members to the new Narberth Environmental Advisory Council. Appointed members will serve for a term of three years, or until a successor is appointed, and will advise local government agencies on matters dealing with protection, conservation, management, proportion and use of natural resources including air, land and water resources, located within its territorial limits. For more information about the Narberth Environmental Advisory Council, please click here. If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit your name, address, a brief summary about who you are and why you are interested in serving on this Committee to [email protected] by Friday, September 14, 2018. The following is from the Borough's weekly update email. For additional information, please visit the Borough website: Get on the Borough's email list here.
Narberth's Borough Council is appointing three members to the new Narberth Environmental Advisory Council. Appointed members will serve for a term of three years, or until a successor is appointed, and will advise local government agencies on matters dealing with protection, conservation, management, proportion and use of natural resources including air, land and water resources, located within its territorial limits. For more information about the Narberth Environmental Advisory Council, please click here. If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit your name, address, a brief summary about who you are and why you are interested in serving on this Committee to [email protected] by Friday, September 14, 2018. Stop by Narberth's Candy Cane Playground and check out the new addition from Public Works! ![]() From Utility Line Services: "I wanted to take this opportunity to update everyone on our progress in Narberth. To date we completed all the main installation, side streets tied in, and gas on for all of our 2018 Narberth work. The service crews are working heavily on the Essex Ave project and have completed half of the services here. The service crews will be progressing to the following streets over the next two weeks.
Since the last email we have completed the services on and retired the low pressure mains on the following streets.
The crew performing the retirements will continue following the service crews over the next two weeks on the same streets in preparation to retire the main as soon as the last service in each section is transferred." This excel spreadsheet has more information about the project timing going forward: ![]()
![]() We are having an NBA meeting this Friday morning, August 24, from 8am to 9am. It will be held at Sweet Mabel Studio, on "The Hill" at 41 N. Narberth Ave. Please arrive on time because the meeting will end promptly at 9am so the Studio can conduct their morning classes. Bagels and coffee will be available at the meeting, courtesy of our Borough Council. NBA topics include upcoming events: the Sidewalk Festival, Oktoberfest, Witches of Narberth, and Dickens Festival. Details for each of these at the NBA website. In addition to NBA business, we will have an informational session with two Borough Council members, Cyndi Rickards and Rob McGreevey. Their topic is the proposed plastic bag and straw ordinance. See the letter from Cyndi Rickards, here. A version of this ordinance could become Borough law soon, so educate yourself now. See you Friday.
***Please note that Brush and Yard Waste collection will be on August 25th! Brush and vegetation must be placed in brown paper leaf bags, available at hardware stores. For additional Borough information, please visit our website Dear Neighbor - It has been a tough year for trees in the Borough. We’ve lost many of our most beautiful, biggest and oldest trees to age, disease and a series of harsh winter storms! The Shade Tree Commission and a team of dedicated volunteers have been working to restore the borough’s tree cover and have planted over 100 new trees over the last few years! But we’re still losing trees faster than we can plant them… This fall, the Shade Tree Commission will again be leading volunteers in planting trees. We need your help in planting the next hundred! Our tree order will be due in late summer, so if you are interested in providing a home for a tree, please let us know soon. We plant trees along the streets and sidewalks, as they provide maximum benefit for reducing heat island effects, shading our sidewalks and calming traffic. Trees are planted either in the strip between the sidewalk and the street, or on front, side or rear lawns within 10' of the sidewalk. The trees typically cost round $60 and are planted by volunteers - a great bargain! If you are interested in providing a home for a tree on your property, please fill out the form here: Sincerely, Narberth Shade Tree Commission Fred Hansell (Chair), Rob McGreevey, Rick Tralies, Carson Clark & Steve DiRico Check next week's newsletter to see the new addition to the Narberth Playground! Copyright © 2018 Narberth Borough, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is: 100 Conway Avenue Narberth PA 19072 Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. August 13: Trash Collection August 14, 6:30PM: Finance and Administration Committee August 14, 7PM: Shade Tree Commission August 15, 7:30PM: Council Business Meeting August 16: Recycling Collection August 16, 5:30PM: Human Relations Commission August 16, 7:30PM: Recreation Board For additional Borough information, please visit our website Questions for Veronica? Feel free to contact Cyndi Rickards at [email protected] This meeting will be recorded for those who cannot attend. This information comes from the Narberth Borough Newsletter: Week of August 13, 2018
The Borough mailing address is: 100 Conway Avenue Narberth PA 19072 Sign up for this mailing list here. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |
AuthorNews compiled by Ed Ridgway, NBA president, marketing consultant, and a COMPASS real estate agent with the Cindy Ridgway team. Archives
May 2022