From Utility Line Services:
"This is to update you all on our progress in Narberth that we have to date and prep you for what is upcoming. In the next couple weeks. All the services on the Essex Ave project will be complete today. The retirement for this job is scheduled for this upcoming Monday weather permitting. This will complete all of the work on the following streets:
The service crews are currently have half the services complete and should be complete with the services on this job by the end of the week barring any issues with customer contacts. If we get the services complete on Forrest by the end of the week we will also have the Low Pressure Cast Iron mains retired on Forrest Ave between Woodbine and Haverford As well as Woodbine Ave between Narberth Ave and Essex Ave. Once the services are complete on Forrest these crews will progress to Narberth Ave between Haverford Ave and Montgomery Ave. My other grouping of service crews are working on Wayne Ave between Essex and Narberth Ave as well As Price Ave between Grayling and Narberth Ave. These streets should be completing over the next two weeks and we are set up to retire the mains right behind the last service transfer on each project. I have had a crew working to prepare the retirements on all active jobs to expedite the retirements and complete our work for this year as quickly as possible. Since there is no area for a check on the attached spreadsheet for retirement prep they will be marked as main installation, but be assured all the main installation is complete for this year’s work. This will only be small holes plated for the retirement preparations. The Borough's weekly email from September 7, 2018, is here.
TELL A FRIEND! Forward this email and click here to receive Narberth's Newsletter EACH WEEK! For up-to-date information on trash collection and meetings, please see the calendar on Narberth's website ![]() Sidewalk Festival and Music Fest - September 13-16 Sidewalk Sale from Thursday to Saturday. Music & Arts Fest on Sunday. More details here. ![]() Meet and Greet - September 15 The Narberth Civic Association invites you to join them for a community welcome party to welcome your new neighbors! Enjoy light drinks and snacks with friends both old and new. ![]() Meet the Author - September 26 Narberth Library is hosting Beck Dorey-Stein, talking about her book From the Corner of the Oval at Narberth Borough Hall 9/26 at 7 PM. The event is free to the public. Books are available to order in advance through the Narberth Bookshop ([email protected]) ![]() Narberth Oktoberfest - October 6 The Main Line’s first Oktoberfest returns to the Narberth Park location for the first time since 2015. It will be held from 5pm to 9pm, on October 6, under lighted festival tents next to the Narberth Community Library. The $45 ticket price includes live music, beer and wine, and festival food, including a pig roast, turkey, pretzels, brats & sauerkraut, dessert, and more. A limited amount of complimentary souvenir mugs will be waiting at the door for early ticket purchasers. Proceeds benefit the Narberth Dickens Festival and the Friends of Sabine Park. More information and tickets here. This event returns to Narberth Park by popular request. Held first in Narberth’s Borough Hall in 2008, the Narberth Oktoberfest was moved to Narberth Park in 2011, and was held there for five years before moving into Narberth’s downtown for two years. ![]() Narberth "Unofficial" Scavenger Hunt - Oct 13 2018 INFO AND REGISTRATION Narberth residents, Cyndi and Tom Rickards, revived an old Narberth tradition in 2011 when they gathered some friends and brought back the Narberth Scavenger Hunt. This new incarnation of the event proved to be a great time for all involved, and an opportunity to raise funds each year for a good local cause. For ages 21+ The Hunt takes place on a Saturday night each October, and the clues lead participants all throughout the Borough. It starts and ends this year in Commerce Alley, right behind The Greeks Next Door. The Basics: Date: Saturday, October 13th – Rain or Shine! Time: 7:00pm Hunt Briefing Start: Behind the Greek's Next Door Register: Contact: Cyndi Rickards: [email protected] or 610-905-4028 ![]() Witches of Narberth - October 27 Before the Halloween Parade and trick-or-treating get started, there's a free family event that's become a Main Line kid favorite – The Witches of Narberth! On Saturday, October 27, 2018, at 1pm, on the corner of Forrest and Haverford Avenues, Halloween kicks off with this popular annual scavenger hunt. Children of all ages are invited to join in this free event, where kids search downtown Narberth high and low for thirteen of the witchiest witches around. They collect treats along the way, and then return to the start to collect a Halloween prize. Costumes are welcome, but totally optional. The hunt goes until 4 pm or until prizes are gone. Details here. ![]() Halloween Bike Ride - October 28 Join Narberth Cycling Club for our 2nd annual Halloween costume “pedal party” ! Details: We'll gather downtown at 4:30pm for a pre-ride Halloween Social. Help yourself to some apple cider & spiced cookies while you chat with neighbors & friends. After a quick review of road safety rules, we'll depart around 5:30pm for a 3-mile easy-going costumed bike ride to check out some cool Halloween houses while we jam out to some spooky tunes. Route will be posted below in "discussion" tab as the event gets closer. Helmets and bike lights required. Costumes strongly encouraged! ![]() Narberth Halloween Parade - October 30 In Narberth, kids get to wear their costume two nights in a row, because the night before Halloween is the Narberth Halloween Parade. The local kids all don their costumes and muster in the St. Margaret’s parking lot around 6pm. By 6:30, the parade starts making it’s way though town, past crowds of cheering spectators. The parade ends in Narberth Park where kids get a goody bag, cookies, juice and treats, courtesy of the Fourth of July Committee. |
AuthorNews compiled by Ed Ridgway, NBA president, marketing consultant, and a COMPASS real estate agent with the Cindy Ridgway team. Archives
May 2022